

メイワフォーシス株式会社の開発・販売製品である「オスミウムコーティングシステム Tennant20」が、欧州連合地域(EU)での安全性能基準を満たし、CEマークの自己宣言をいたしました。これにより、EU諸国において販売を開始いたします。




Tennant20 Secures CE Mark Certification

Meiwafosis Co., Ltd. is delighted to announce that our Tennant20 Osmium Coating System has successfully obtained CE mark certification, validating its adherence to the European Union (EU) safety standards. This significant milestone paves the way for wider adoption of the Tennant20 across the EU market.

The Tennant20 is a cutting-edge osmium coater designed for enhanced safety and user-friendliness. It produces exceptionally thin, uniform films, resulting in crystal-clear SEM images without granularity even at high magnifications. Its superior coating performance eliminates charging, ensuring highly accurate observations. The Tennant20 has already earned widespread acclaim from researchers.

In line with our mission of “Make a better world with science and technology,” we remain committed to empowering researchers globally by providing products that meet the high international standards.
